
Ouch!! I hate staying in Congo and being bitten by all of these obnoxious mosquito's.  Congo is one of the countries that carry malaria.  Malaria is spread by the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. Malaria may also be transmitted by transfusion of blood from infected people or by the use of contaminated needles or syringes.  There are many possible solutions to the disease malaria, once th, initiated immediately, treatment should be guided by three main factors; the infecting plasmodium species. (www.cdc.gov/libray.com)
 Another treatment of m
alaria are that the tree bark of the cinchona tree which contains quinine, or artemethere.of the following ways that you can tell that you are a loved one has Malaria such as fever, chills, sweating, and headeches, blood ccoagulation  defect shock, and some serious effects of malaria are kidney or liver failure and with out  kidney or a liver you would die slowly with out them. Also you would eventually go into a coma and them your central nervous system disordes. If you read the following of the web page, you will find the following for treat 61.70%
