
Malaria is spread by the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito.  This disease may also be transmitted by the transfusion of blood from infected people or by the use of contaminated needles and syringes.  Malaria will eventually cause the person to have the parasite to go into the liver relicates, and moves to the bloodstream where it attacks red blood cells for their hemoglobin.  When Malaria takes toll on the liver, spleen will become enlarged, brain, and the stomach it can cause them to get infected and fails over time, anemia develops, and jaundice appears.  Systems that may occur include fever, chills, sweat, and headaches, blood coagulation defect shock, kidney liver failure, central nervous system disorder and then a coma.(FACTMONSTER)

Malaria is a disease that can not be cured, but there is a preventable way from the bark of a tree called cinchona. Cinchona contains quinine which is used to prevent malaria.  At this point in time there is no cure for malaria, just preventative medicines.   there has been and always will be research to help cure the fetal disease.  Transmission of malaria parasite anopheline mosquito bite was recognized in 1897.(book)(microterrors)