Conclution on Malaria

Malaria is again a disease that is causes by mosquto bites.  Malaria is also a disease that is not yet able to be cured.  This disease is found in Congo and Sudan ex, but Congo does not spend enought money to trying to help people that were diagnosised with it.  I belive that the people in Congo should try and help save up money and not spend it on other things like trying to export and inport goods, so that they might have enought money to save peoples lives.  People's lives might be able to be saved and familys wont have to go through the pain of lossing lost loved ones.  If you just happen to go to Africa make sure you dont get bitten by any mosquitos while your there becaues if you do you know whats happens next, and make sure you get your shots first and sleep with a net around your bed.